


辅修亚洲研究 & 中国人

In 2011, I graduated from the 大学 of Colorado, where I obtained a minor in 包括中国和亚洲研究. Using my experiences studying at UNC, and taking advantage of opportunities to study abroad in both China and Taiwan, I have since found many opportunities to utilize my knowledge and language skills in my professional life. Since graduating, I have worked with a 中国人 tour provider, China Travel and Tour, where I am able to use my 中国人 language skills on a daily basis. 此外, I now spend 4 months out of the year living, studying, working, and traveling across China, further improving my understanding of the 中国人 language, and gaining invaluable 国外工作经历. On top of the employment opportunities provided from 中国人/Asian studies, the academic knowledge I gathered throughout my time at UNC has provided me with the inspiration and resources to continue my studies, as I plan to begin my 2014年研究生. 没有我从亚洲人那里学到的宝贵知识 Studies/中国人 program at UNC, none of this would have been possible.

Of course, aside from the professional and educational aspects of obtaining my degree, I definitely cannot ignore the fact that studying 亚洲研究 and 中国人 at UNC was incredibly interesting, fun, and opened up many doors for adventure. 自学习 at UNC, I have traveled and lived across Asia, across China, Tibet, Taiwan, and Thailand. Finally, through studying at UNC and abroad with Asian studies, I have gathered a network of friends and colleagues which spans across the globe, and have gathered 故事和回忆将持续一生.



我叫马修·肯尼迪. 2011年夏天,我以优异的成绩从博天堂官方毕业 an 国际 Studies and Economics double major with three minors in 中国人, 西班牙语和亚洲研究. After graduating, I looked for a government job in Washington DC, and after talking to many government officials, I decided the best way to continue traveling the world while pursuing my career in government would be to join the Peace Corps, an international organization the US funds to assist developing countries.

I am currently stationed in Madagascar in a small village named Mahasoabe as a Health 志愿者. My primary assignment includes monthly trainings with the local community health workers who live in the surrounding 村庄 about different health issue such as water sanitation, prenatal nutrition, malaria care and prevention, family planning, 及预防爱滋病. I work with many Non-Profits and Non-Government Organizations such as USAID, Operation Smile, Marie Stopes and many other groups to achieve our 目标.  Currently, my main project is building latrines in each of the surrounding 村庄. I hope to build one at each of the community health workers home, where they also care for the members of their community, that way they can also use it as 教学资源. When I have free time I try to hold English clubs and go to other volunteer’s sites for big events, these have ranged from sporting events with speeches to towns on water sanitation to having festivals that demonstrate how to properly 使用和爱护蚊帐.



布莱恩Zielenski studied both 中国人 and 日本 as an undergraduate at UNC. 在 his time as an undergraduate, he went abroad to teach English in China with ORBIS. He decided to pursue a graduate degree in History, and stayed at UNC for an MA in 世界历史. He went abroad again as a Master’s student, this time to Taiwan to 台北国际汉语课程. 他的硕士论文侧重于历史 memory and the retelling of the Yellow Turban Rebellion that led to the fall of the Han Dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE) and beginning of the famous Three Kingdoms period in 中国历史. He used his modern and classical 中国人 extensively in his research and translation of the historical and fictional texts from the 3rd, 5th, 11th and 16世纪的中国.



乔纳森Rasson studied 日本 at UNC, and minored in 亚洲研究. 在他 time at UNC, he participated in the Guy Healy English Summer Camp Internship program 在日本. After graduation, he was selected to teach in the JET program. 他说, "When I came here, knowing the little bit of 日本 I knew helped immensely with 日常生活. In addition every tidbit I had learned on the history and culture of Japan has proved of immense help in getting to know local people."



泰勒达蒙 was an 国际 Studies Major with a minor in 亚洲研究 who graduated in 2009. After graduation he worked in Seoul, South Korea teaching English at Chungdahm 学习两年.

In 2011 he started a Master’s degree in 国际 Affairs at the George Washington 大学. In fall, 2012, he did an internship with the State Department in Washington D.C. He also studied abroad in China for a year in 2007 and the summer of 2012. 这两个 这些经历让我大开眼界,也提高了我的中文水平.



安娜·威廉姆斯 was an anthropology major who studied 中国人 language during her senior 2009年毕业.  毕业后的那个夏天她参加了中国 study abroad program offered at UNC and learned a great deal about 中国人 language 文化,还有她自己.  安娜现在是……的行政助理 博天堂官方的世界语言与文化系.